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Marking 42 years of Community Education, Service, and Organizing

Live Right 바르게 살자

 Know Your Roots 뿌리를 알자

Live in Strength 굳세게 살자

Live in Harmony 더불어 살자

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The Korean Resource Center is a non-profit community organization empowering low-income immigrants, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and people of color communities in Southern California. Using a holistic approach, we integrate services, education, culture, organizing, and coalition building.




KRC offers different types of cultural and educational programs, which help individuals evaluate and analyze the issues that affect the community at the local and national levels.



We offer various types of social services on immigration, health, and housing to assist our low-income community.



We organize locally and nationally and equip our community members with the right tools to build power and find the right solutions to various issues that affect them.


KRC Services


Since its founding in 1983, the Korean Resource Center (KRC) has provided in-language social and legal services and education to low-income immigrant Korean Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), and other low-income communities of color in Southern California.

KRC is recognized by the Department of Justice’s Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and conducts a variety of immigration legal services at low to no cost. Accredited representatives and licensed attorneys provide linguistically and culturally appropriate legal services to our community.

Mon~Friday: 9am-4pm

LA Office: 323-937-3718

OC Office: 714-869-7624

Please call us in advance to make an appointment.

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Legal Services

  • Naturalization

  • DACA initial and renewal

  • Green card renewal

  • Family Petitions

  • VAWA

  • T-Visa

  • U-Visa

  • SIJS and other forms of relief

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Access to Healthcare & Other Public Benefits

  • Medi-Cal

  • Medicare

  • My Health LA

  • Other


Housing Counseling

  • Affordable Housing

  • Senior Housing

  • Low-income Housing

  • Home Improvement and Rehabilitation

  • Pre-purchase

  • Reverse Mortage

  • Renter Housing


KRC News

 Follow Us on Social Media!

Instagram: @krclaorg

Twitter: @krcla




 We’d love to hear from you.

KRC always wants to hear from the community members. We believe that our work is stronger through the coalitions and partnerships we build in order to collectively advance the social and economic needs of all immigrant communities in our country.

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