Introducing Koreatown Tenants Union

September 23rd, Thursday 2021 by Susan Park

Housing is Key, California Covid-19 Rent and Utilities Relief is Accepting Applications Now

Koreatown Tenants Union is a bilingual Korean/English community-based organization (CBO).

We seek to create safer communities through coalition building and empowering low-income residents of all ages through organizing for tenants rights, affordable housing for all, safer communities, and environmental justice.

Safer communities are achieved through interethnic, intergenerational, and intersectional coalition building. Low-income BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) share many vulnerabilities. We are stronger together. Community based solutions are needed to address safety for all.

Koreatown is the least green space in Los Angeles. Environmental Justice includes micro-green space, small fruit bearing treats, edible wild greens, and small parks. Building shared green space increases the enjoyability of Koreatown and boosts physical and mental health. Lack of green space is a public health issue and environmental hazard.

We advocate for in-language, culturally competent information and support. If you have been denied Korean language services by a government entity, NGO (non-government organization), or nonprofit in the realm of housing or social services, please contact us. Have you experienced harassment from law enforcement? Has law enforcement ignored your pleas for assistance? Have you experienced safety issues in your building, neighborhood, or on public transportation? You must provide details such as a description of what happened, dates, time, bus route number, and the name of the person or officers badge number. It is important for us to collect stories and data in order to advocate for you.

We hope to grow into a multilingual coalition that serves the heritage language needs of Koreatown residents who are underserved or ignored by tenants rights groups. If we cannot assist you, we will refer you to another organization in the area.

If you need information in English/Spanish all the resources on our soon to be published list can provide you with in-language support. If you want to organize a tenants union in your building and the residents are Korean and Spanish speakers, we will partner with another tenants union to help the tenants in your building organize.

If you can't pay your rent because of COVID-19 financial hardship, or are being threatened with eviction for any reason, do not move out of your home. Only a court can order you to leave. You have rights and are protected by federal, state and local laws.

Koreatown Tenants Union and our upcoming “Tenants Handbook” are intended to educate tenants and to help tenants educate each other. We hope to empower tenants to organize. We provide information, not legal advice. We are not a replacement for legal assistance or an attorney.

If you have any questions, please send an email to Susan Park at or use the link below


Koreatown Tenants Union is Here!