Intermediate Poongmul Class (8 weeks)

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Intermediate Poongmul Class (8 week Courses)

Date: July 6 - August 24, 2006
Time: Every Thursday at 7pm
Location: Korean Resource Center (900 S. Crenshaw Blvd., LA CA 90019)

** For more information, please contact Sungpyo at 323.937.3718 or sungpyo [at]

HanNuRi Cultural Troupe, a traditional Korean cultural troupe is housed within the Korean Resource Center. HanNuRi promotes an appreciation of Koran cultural traditions, participates in cross-cultural exchanges and supports the social justice movement through street performances at rallies and marches. On-going events includes the annual new year celebration at Griffith Park, JiShin BalpGi (Lunar New Year Street Festival), performances during immigrant rights and worker rights events. Currently, HanNuRi conducts four PoongMool (Korean Drumming) workshops for children, youth, working parents, and seniors every week.