Update on Glendale City's Absentee Voting Ordinance

Glendale News Press 1-29-08 The Glendale City Council voted 3-2 on February 19 to pass the absentee ballot application ordinance. The ordinance prohibits all third party organizations, including nonprofit community groups and campaign offices, from mailing in absentee ballot applications. Despite two months of intense debating and the mobilization of nonprofit community groups like NAKASEC and KRC against the ordinance, Councilmembers John Drayman, Frank Quintero and Dave Weaver remained unmoved and voted to pass the ordinance.

The ordinance passed included amendments that clarified that third party groups may still assist in the completion of absentee ballot applications, permanent absentee ballot voters were exempt from the ordinance, and added a paragraph that stated the “legislative purpose” of the ordinance. The original ordinance that was first introduced on December 11, 2007, solely stated that all third party organizations may not “be involved with, or participate in any way in the handling of Vote By Mail ballot applications (absentee ballot applications), except for the initial distribution.”

It is a loss in protecting voter rights, but it is not the end. We will continue to monitor the ordinance (which will only affect local city council elections of Glendale) and fight to protect the civic participation of all citizens.

Thank you for your support.