The #Health4All Cohort (#H4A) is centered around healthcare accessibility and providing immigrant communities with tangible and impactful health resources in Los Angeles and Orange County. Interns provide workshops, trainings, and resource guides through a virtual capacity to ensure the longevity of each resource!

Regardless of immigration status, class, or age; everybody deserves the right to access affordable and reliable healthcare.

  • #Health4All Empowerment & Education Workshop Series

    #H4A interns created virtual workshops and trainings in order to further the community’s education and awareness surrounding overall healthcare, specific health-related resources, and the rights of individuals seeking medical assistance.

  • Social Media Outreach and Digital Campaign

    Through social media, #H4A interns are able to create impactful and sustainable resources virtually to community members. The virtual platform allows for the resources and information to be readily available, as well as easily shared to those outside of our physical capacity!