#Health4All Cohort (#H4A)
The #H4A Cohort is an entirely virtual campaign, developed as a response to the growing confusion and stress that Undocumented immigrants experience surrounding healthcare, medical resources, and overall navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.
The interns will work specifically in eliminating the barriers that continue to inhibit the access to healthcare for immigrants, while also challenging the narrative that exists surrounding who “deserves” healthcare and advocating for systematic and impactful reform. Interns will create virtual and sustainable resources in the realm of healthcare to increase overall accessibility to communities.
Bridge Across People (BAP)
The BAP (Bridge Across People) is a paid internship supported by the Korean Resource Center. It is designed to provide resources and training to immigrant communities in Southern California.
The internship will go over resources and build networks within the immigrant and young adult organizing spaces. It will also cover civil engagement as well as career development for the immigrant community. During the course of the program, participants will be exploring highly critical and political topics that affect immigrant communities.
Voices for Tomorrow (VFT)
Voices for Tomorrow internship is designed to plant a seed of hope in immigrant leaders who will make a lasting impact on our community.
VFT is a project-based internship where interns will partake in projects that will push for #citizenship4all campaign through various assignments. The VFT internship will provide an opportunity to spread awareness and unify the voices of the immigrant youth to fight for their community. The interns will advocate for themselves and educate the community on why we need an immigration reform that includes ALL of us. VFT interns will be working on projects where they will share their personal narratives, hold a digital rally and reach other youth through social media. We hope that you can come in with a goal of making a meaningful impact that will get us one step closer to justice; to serve the community and push for #citizenship4all.
Voices of the VFT Leaders
Youth Advocacy Alliance (YAA)
YAA or Youth Advocacy Alliance is a high school youth program that seeks to bring youth from different high schools throughout the neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Orange County to learn about social justice and cultural issues.
We seek to help them grow individually and develop themselves as a leader and mature as a student, person, and a member of the community through history lessons, field trips, art, as well as other fieldwork.
Community Health Promoters (CHP)
Community Health Promoters (CHP) is a group of Korean American senior citizens at KRC who advocate on health and immigration-related issues that directly impact them, their peers, and their community.
Throughout the years, CHP has identified key principles critical to ensuring that all Californians have access to linguistically appropriate and culturally competent services in public health programs. They have participated in legislative visits in Sacramento, petition drives to make Orange County a welcoming place for all immigrants regardless of status, and voter registration drives in Los Angeles. CHP has been a leader in the fight for affordable senior housing units, resulting in the construction of two new low-income senior apartments in Koreatown Los Angeles.
CHP meets monthly but currently on hold due to COVID-19 protocols.
Upcoming Events

We’d love to hear from you.
KRC always wants to hear from the community members.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us!